- What's this site for?
- This is a site where you can look at your saved Fittings from outside of the game
- Doesn't this mean that you can look at my saved Fittings?
- Nope :) I'm using the implicit flow version, and handling everything in javascript. I see next to nothing. Just the bare minimum to work. And I don't store any of it.
- I don't trust you.
- Your greatest protection here is that I just don't care what's in your fittings. Also, by telling you I'm not reading it, if I then did, I'm breaching the terms of the Developer's license, and CCP would do bad things to me for that
- Anything else I should know?
- Because I'm using the implicit flow, there's a 20 minute limit on the duration of the tokens involved. So if you go more than 20 minutes, you'll have to log in again. Nothing I can do about that.