Highsec PvP – CSM8 trail

Non-Consensual PvP is part of Eve, and I would not see it gone. While I prefer not to have people do violence unto me, they have the right to try. Just as I have the right to make myself as unappealing as is viable.

If you check my Corp’s war history, you’ll see one war on it (As the time of writing). No deaths on it, but not because I didn’t log on for a week. I was waiting. They didn’t undock. Probably because there was no benefit for them doing so. One guy in a BC isn’t exactly a great incentive, after all. And the war had already paid for itself by then. Next time, the POS stays up and becomes a dickstar, rather than being stolen when it unanchored. Well played. A learning experience.

Ganking is doing fine and well too, it would seem. Plenty of people who don’t follow the simple ‘No more than a Billion or so in a freighter’ guideline. And plenty of people who mine in high risk regions of Highsec, without even the most rudimentary tank. No, a small shield booster is not a tank. If you’ve been ganked, and are offended, the close tab button is up there. HTFU.

Some candidates appear to want to make high-sec less safe. I don’t agree with them there. But I /certainly/ agree it shouldn’t be made any safer.

That’s not to say changes aren’t needed, however.

A war where one side stays docked up, or doesn’t bother logging on, is no fun for anyone.

You can’t /force/ someone to fight. They just wouldn’t bother logging on. What that leaves is making them /want/ to fight. Now that’s harder to do.

Anything that can adjust the cost of a war has the potential to be gamed, leading to a new dec shield. One thought that rattles round my head is having, depending on the size of the corporation, various bandings of kills and losses adjusting either the cost of the next inbound war, or the duration of a ‘safe’ time.

So a 3 man corp losing a billion isk in ships, is then safe for, say, a month (from the end of the last war. Wars are automatically ended. Maybe. This seems gameable. Maybe just a cost boost, for that period of time.)

A corp the size of Eve University has no changes.

So small corps then have a reason to go lose isk in a fight. And maybe even kill the enemy.

Hard caps are, of course, required to stop it from being hideously gamed.

I’d want to see statistics on high-sec wars, to be able to flesh out numbers to something that makes sense. There’s a suggestion I saw on Poetic’s site about bounties and warfare, which looked interesting, but I’m not sure it speaks to the people who would hide away. A benefit, even if they lose, is another matter.

Another thing to do is make it easier to swap into a clone without expensive implants. Maybe just in the station you’re in (with or without a medical station, no standings). No jumping across the cluster. This might be a step too far, however.


  • Fighting is good
  • Ganking isn’t evil
  • Hiding in stations is bad
  • Giving people reasons not to hide might fix it
  • Stuff blowing up is good for my bottom line.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Heckling?