I know I’ve been light on posting. Sorry about that, I’ve just not had much to talk about that I can talk about publicly. At least, not that hasn’t been covered in detail by other people. Sugar Kyle has been great at this. Lots of writing. 🙂
However, I’ve been poked by people that think I should be communicating more (Thanks Sugar) so I’m trying to pick my writing up again.
By now, you’ve probably read a bunch about Eve Vegas, and the shenanigans people got up to there. I enjoyed myself greatly there, and spent a fair quantity of time talking with people, getting a general feeling for how things are going down. With Phoebe, the general feel I got was resignation that, while the jump changes might impact on gameplay they liked, it was for the good of the game in general. While not the most upbeat feel, sometimes you just have to rip the plaster off.
For those that watched the stream, yes, they called my name for a prize. Unfortunately, I was in the roundtable room, where I thought I would be more useful (I caught the presentations later) so I didn’t hear. Oh well, didn’t want those headphones anyway 😉
From a 3rd party dev standpoint, Foxfour’s presentation and roundtable didn’t really reveal particularly much. However, it did point to a renewed appetite within CCP for getting us the tools which we need, to be able to do stuff. While we don’t yet have a timescale for getting authenticated CREST on TQ, he announced that we should be getting it on SiSi in the nearish future, first as part of a trial much like the SSO trial, and then moving onto an automated version. And SSO on TQ, for most people, should be out very soon indeed. Just waiting on a few crossed i’s and dotted t’s.
Capt Out’s CREST presentation is worth a watch. you can find it on Youtube. It’s not a recording of the one from Eve Vegas, instead being a redone one, with better production values. The roundtable room wasn’t good for recordings.
One of the big things I came away with, from talking with people, was a reinforced understanding that Discoverability is one of Eve’s key weaknesses. From ‘how do I find a community to be part of’ to ‘How do I change my own market orders, without going via the order screen’. So many options, with google often being the easiest way to find an answer. The NPE talk from Rise did touch on this, but it’s a little more endemic than that. It’s something that CCP will need to focus on, over time. For both New players, and Veterans.
Oh, and I’m running for CSM X. And I’m calling it that for a host of good reasons, not just because it let me update the ‘Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM 9’ tshirt that I have, with a sharpie. It’s an early announcement, but I’m hoping that people read the minutes which should be out shortly, and think I’m doing what they voted for.
Zoom zoom 😉